Blue Belt
Blue Belt Red Tag
4th KUP Grading
Jab right hand, head and body Double Left, Double Right Hook to body Single jab, leftjab, right hand to the body - left hook to body and head. Right upper cut, left hook to body, right over the top, leftjab, right to body.
Front kick, round kick, side kick, all of back leg. Front kick, hook kick (back leg), round kick off alternate legs. Axe kick back leg. Axe kick front leg. Axe kick front leg, side kick, round kick.
Hopping axe kick, front leg, right cross, double round kick to body and head. Front kick, round kick (front leg), spinning crescent kick, side kick to body, round kick to head (same leg). Double jab, axe kick back leg, right hook, hook kick front leg.
Self defence moves Spinning hook kick against shield. Pad Work 2 * 2 min rounds Speed work, 5 * 10sec, 5 sec rests. Sparring, Light Continuous (optional)
